
Episode 36 - Surviving A Cult with Michele Richardson

Not All Love & Light by Romy Moreno

Episode notes

In this episode, Romy Moreno is joined by Michele Richardson who shares her story about her childhood in what felt like more than just a strict religious community—it was a place where silence shielded predators, leaving children vulnerable and highlighting the strict controls and psychological manipulation on women.

Michele takes us through her journey of when she questioned everything she was taught, stepping away, and how she found healing in the aftermath. Her healing journey lead her to turn to spirituality and embracing of plant medicine finding a way to mend the wounds of her past.

This episode serves as a reminder that no organization is immune to cult-like tendencies. Be it Christianity, New Age Spirituality or anything in between. It's important to watch out for red flags like gaslighting, where your feelings are invalidated ... 

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gaslightingsex trafficking victimayahuascaplant medicineabusepsychedelicsnarcissismcultorganized religiongas